Daily Challenges, by Commander Soltec

Dearest Ones, it is Commander Soltec who comes forth to speak to you about two daily challenges in your lives. Some would believe that the Ascension process is still a long way off or that the process itself has stalled. Many of you have begun to take the concept of Ascension for granted, and often your impatience has made you cynical of the process. It is human nature that intervenes and causes such notions.

One challenge, then, is to remain committed to and in tune with your own personal Ascension. This requires a commitment, on your part, to yourself. It means loving yourself enough to want to undergo your transformational process in the most inspiring and gentle manner. This requires a firm belief in the Ascended Masters and the Ashtar Command, for it is these two groupings of Light-beings who shall assist you the most in your quest.

Do not be afraid to look to them for help on a dailing basis. The small, more easily-forgotten rituals are still of tremendous value; such as your daily protection requests, affirmations for abundance from the Lords of Manifestation, St Germaine's Violet Fire of Light decree for cleansing, request for Time Warps from Father Time etc. All these small attunents add-up to regular connection and communication with the higher realms which results not only in that which you have specifically requested, but in a daily infusion of 5th dimensional (and beyond) energies.

And let's not forget that a simple act of Unconditional Love every day is your direct route to Ascension. In loving in this way, you not only beam outwards light of the highest purity, but by universal law, your own inner light shall be greatly expanded as a result. You see, light breeds light.

How does one then, in the midst of Earth-living, keep from sliding, time and again, into complacency? Well friends, the human mind finds focus in ritual. Create your own itinery of spiritual growth each day through your personal selection of affirmations, manifestations and visualisations. Once you are in the habit of setting aside time each day to inner communication, then eventually, as by second nature, you begin to integrate the spiritual more fully into your life. The idea, of course, is that you come to the point when all of your time is spent in a conscious spiritual awareness.

Analyse how you interact with others daily. Perhaps you are not seeing them for the divine creatures that they are, as this is difficult to do when human judgement is so entrenched. What is required is detachment from the third dimensional world around you, for surely, you are living in this world but are not truly of it. Pull back a little each day from your emotional responses, until such time as any given situation ceases to affect you on an emotional level. At this point you are free from damaging human response, from the endless cycle of action and reaction. With such space comes clarity and a heightened sense of observation where you are able to take-in much more information than previously.

To detach does not mean to cease to be a caring, joyful or warm person. What it means, is that you side-step the endless cycles of reacting to others; becoming hurt, angry, overly emotional, demanding, jealous, petty etc. In this way you become closer to the Christ Consciousness - you do not lose your compassion for others, but rather, you come to understand their inner divinity and thus can forgive and love all.

Above all, remember that you are a lightbeing, each of you. You are multi-dimensional with powers beyond this Earth. You have a divine spark within and the capacity to reconnect with the God-Source, and all of your Star friends, such as those connected with the Star Being Alliance. With such Ascension information so freely available now, there really is no excuse to keep putting off the inevitable; your own Ascension to a higher consciousness. However the seduction of the material world and the fascination for all things human overcomes you time and again, and this is to be expected, yet by universal decree, your Higher Self is contracted to bring you to the point of Ascension regardless.

The other challenge, is to continue to heal and assist Mother Earth in her service toward us, and all creatures that reside upon her. It is that time-acknowledged principle of the micro being a mirror of the macro and vice versa. That is, in giving to and healing Earth and her creatures, you also give to and heal yourself. Whatever is done externally by you, occurs internally also. All is interconnected in this manner and each entity has its own individual frequency. Thus when you send love to someone, it travels along your frequency-beam both ways; out toward the person in mind, and inwardly to yourself. When negative thoughts are given out, the same occurs. It is something to remember and a good case in point for purity of thought.

In doing works for others, one enhances one's own spiritual self for like results in like. The person who actively supports the environment, who actively seeks out those less fortunate, who attempts to be unconditional in how they love, is on a direct path to personal transformation (Ascension). The fifth dimension is already here, friends, it only requires you to view it through the eyes of selflessness, joy and unconditional love, in order to begin to experience it.

I am Commander Soltec (the higher self of Soltec)

© Channelled by Soltec





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